
2023 Benefit Plan Limits

By Robert McGowan

November 23, 2022

2023 Benefit Plan Limits Chart 

The Internal Revenue Service and Social Security Administration have announced the retirement plan benefit and employment tax limits for 2023. The limits for 2023, as compared to those in effect for 2022, are outlined below. 

401(k) & 403(b) Plans, Elective Deferral Limit 

2022 2023
457(b) plan, total contribution limit  $20,500  $22,500 
Age 50 catch-up contribution limit  $6,500  $7,500  
Defined contribution plan, total contribution limit  $61,000  $66,000 
Defined benefit plan, annual accrual limit  $245,000  $265,000 
“Highly compensated employee” status  $135,000  $150,000 
Annual compensation limit  $305,000  $330,000 
“Key employee” officer status  $200,000  $215,000 

SIMPLE plans 

2022 2023
Elective deferral limit  $14,000  $15,500 
Catch-up contribution limit  $3,000  $3,500 


2022 2023
Contribution limit  $6,000  $6,500 
Catch-up contribution limit  $1,000  $1,000 

Health Care FSA 

2022 2023
Annual salary reduction limit  $2,850  $3,050 
Health FSA Carryover Limit  $570  $610 

Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts 

2022 2023
Married and filing jointly or single parent  $5,000  $5,000 
Married but filing separately  $2,500  $2,500 

Annual HSA Contribution Deduction Limit 

2022 2023
Self-only coverage  $3,650  $3,850 
Family coverage  $7,300  $7,750 
Catch-up contribution  $1,000  $1,000 

Out-of-Pocket Spending Limit 

2022 2023
Self-only coverage  $7,050  $7,500 
Family coverage  $14,100  $15,000 

Minimum Annual Deductible 

2022 2023
Self-only coverage  $1,400  $1,500 
Family coverage  $2,800  $3,000 

Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefit 

2022 2023
Maximum monthly qualified parking benefit  $280  $300 
Maximum monthly qualified transit pass benefit  $280  $300 

Social Security Limits 

2022 2023
FICA wage base  $147,000  $160,200 

Earnings Test Thresholds 

2022 2023
Before normal retirement age  $19,560  $21,240 
Year of normal retirement age  $51,960  $56,520 
Maximum monthly benefit at full retirement age  $3,345  $3,627